Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Self-Esteem and Child Development free essay sample

Do you agree with Gever Tulley that the increasing safety regulations for children are limiting children’s opportunities to interact with the world around them? Why or why not? The increasing safety regulations for children are limiting children’s opportunities to interact with the world around them, because we’re moving away the child from real world. Anyway, the children are always going to figure out how to do the most dangerous thing they can. Moreover, we prevent our kids relate to reality and interact with the outside world. 2. What can children learn from playing with fire? Children can learn playing with fire many things, like; the child will learn to control this natural element. The child can learn how take control of fire, he can learn about intake, about combustion, about exhaust. Addition, the child will not feel the attraction of playing with fire. 3. Which of the â€Å"dangerous things† do you think would most beneficial for children? Why? The most dangerous things beneficial for children is the number three: throw a spear; because this is an important exercise in child health, as any given muscle adds strength to the whole system and that applies to your brain. We will write a custom essay sample on Self-Esteem and Child Development or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page On the other hand these practice stimulate the frontal and parietal lobes, which have to do with visual acuity, 3D understanding, and structural problem solving, so it gives a sense, it helps develop their visualization skills and their predictive ability. These kinds of target-based practice also help kids develop attention and concentration. 4. What role do you think parents should play in helping their children explore the world? How can parents protect their children and let them explore? The role that parents should play in helping their children explore the world is, parents should accept their children experiment with dangerous things, but under the care of parents, so parents are helping their children to explore the world. Parents can protects their children and let them explore, like when their children are exploring the outside world, experimenting with dangerous stuff to better understand the world, parents must be beside their children, supporting them, guiding them, and protecting them too. When children are exploring parents must indicate their children to the point that they can explore, of this way they do not suffer any accident.

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