Thursday, August 27, 2020

That Was Then This Is Now :: essays research papers

The 70’s way of life was sans wild, and uncontrolled. Young people did anything they desired. They celebrated, took things, sold medications, and partook in posse battles. Today, young people are increasingly restrained and have more limitations. Guardians and police know about teenager’s lies and trick’s and their investment in perilous exercises. As indicated by S.E.Hinton’s tale, That Was Then, This Is Now, the opportunity young people have in today’s society is similarly not exactly the opportunities experienced by youngsters in those days. The fundamental characters in the novel, Mark and Bryon which is contrasted with encounters commonplace youngsters today experience. With, all the obligations most guardians had in those days, it appeared their youngsters weren’t a need. Most, guardians permitted their kids to go out to do what ever the youngsters needed. Youngsters could walk openly with companions with no management. On the off chance that young people were harmed in battles guardians wouldn’t trouble to mind. Guardians in those days didn’t understand the dangers and wellbeing worries of the outside world. Guardians would permit their kids to go with companions, making no limitations on check in time, or the action they were participating in. Guardians were likewise up to speed in the more significant things throughout their life for instance working extended periods of time to put food on the table and give haven and garments to their relatives. In the novel Bryon acknowledged and expressed â€Å"Mom never stressed over Mark and me,† Pg 105. Today, guardians are progressively mindful of the threats that can influence their kids on account of data from T.V news reports and media. Guardians likewise dread for the security of their youngsters and on the off chance that they are engaging with an inappropriate companions so they have consistent reconnaissance. ie. PDAs â€Å"firefly,† and Internet Chat. The observation of police in the previous 40 years has definitely expanded. Police were ignorant of the impacts adolescents could have on society. Policed accepted that young people were still children and couldn’t cause a ton of difficulty. The epic demonstrates that police didn’t stress over watching or scanning for inconvenience that may include adolescents in light of the fact that Bryon said â€Å"The police didn’t think about the hipster house, it was safe,† Pg 121. Cops or police didn’t stress or feel that teenager’s would do terrible things to influence others or themselves. Police had less observation over posses and lawbreakers. At present, police are continually watching the shopping centers, roads, and schools scanning for groups and fierce or medicate related circumstances.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Rheumatoid Arthritis :: essays research papers

     Rheumatoid joint pain is an immune system sickness that sauses ceaseless irritation of the joints. Rhematiod joint inflammation can likewise cause irritation of the tissue around the joints, just as different organs in the body. Immune system sicknesses are diseases which happen when the body tissues are mjistakenly assaulted by its own resistant framework. The insusceptible framework is an unpredictable association of cells and antibodies planned regularly to â€Å"seek and destroy† intruders of the body, especially diseases. Patients with these sicknesses have antibodies in their blood which focus on their own body tissues, where they can be related with aggravation. Since it can influence various different organs of the body, rheumatoid joint pain is alluded to as a fundamental sickness and is here and there called rheumatoid ailment.      While rheumatoid joint pain is a constant ailment, which means it can keep going for a considerable length of time, patients may encounter extensive stretches without side effects. Regularly, in any case, rheumatoid joint pain is a dynamic sickness that can possibly cause joint obliteration and useful inability. A joint is the place two bones meet to permit development of body parts. Joint inflammation implies join aggravation. The join irritation of rheumatoid joint pain causes expanding, torment ,solidness, and redness in the joints. The irritation of rheumatoid illness can likewise happen in tissues around the joints, for example, the ligaments, tendons, and muscles.      In some patienst with rheumatoid joint inflammation, ceaseless irritation prompts the annihilation of the ligament, bone and tendons causing disfigurement of the joints. Harm to the joint can happen right off the bat in the malady and be dynamic. Additionally, contemplates have demonstrated that the dynamic harm to the joints doesn't really connect with the level of torment, firmness, or expanding present in the joints.      Rheumatoid joint pain is a typical rheumatic infection, influencing in excess of 2,000,000 individuals in the United States. The ailment is multiple times progressively regular in ladies as in men. It harasses individuals of all races similarly. The illness can start at any age, however frequently begins after age forty and before sixty. In certain families, different individuals can be influenced, recommending a hereditary reason for the turmoil.      The reason for rheumatoid joint pain is obscure.

Friday, August 21, 2020

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Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Fast Food Restaurant Mcdonalds - 1713 Words

The fast food restaurant McDonalds and a Walmart Super Center were selected for the observations for the following reason: I engage in this service almost every day, therefore, this sphere seems very familiar. I was not overly impressed with either company. However, both of them are convenient and inexpensive so they end up being my choice on a daily basis. Besides, in the conditions of tough competition, the managers of fast food restaurants are forced to imply more and more refined strategies to attract new customers and succeed in business. It is valuable to observe which strategies give the best results and which fail to provide the expected outcome. In some service encounters, the company approaches the customer with the most†¦show more content†¦Marketing consists of efforts to push products in the market. Looking into the management mindset of these organizations, we usually find a interest in cutting costs, increasing quantity and decreasing service time. The need for speed is important: Competition is usually closing in with similar products, fast delivery, and lower prices. In this kind of competitive scenario, profit margins are thin and companies succeed only through continual increases in volume. So far so good, but if we look into the management of an organization, we find a different way of thinking that doesn’t help improve service quality. Frontline service employees, trained to follow all procedures, and encouraged by management to achieve more results in less time, find themselves answering a phone, opening the mail, or meeting the next customer in person saying to themselves, â€Å"I hope this next customer isn’t a pain in my neck! Customers with questions and unusual requests generally require increased time, lead to increased errors, and can result in a slowing down of the system. Small wonder many customer requests for anything out of the ordinary are met with retort. Leading many employees to say â€Å"We do not do it that way† or â€Å"That is not how our procedures work here.† Marketing Mix of McDonalds The marketing mix of McDonalds consists of the various elements in the marketing mix which form the core of a company’s marketing system

Friday, May 15, 2020

Is Coca Cola Company A Multinational Enterprise - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 11 Words: 3216 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Marketing Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? A multinational enterprise (MNE) or multinational corporation (MNC) is a company that has headquarters in one country but has operations in other countries. Dunning (1993 cited in Wall, S. Minocha, S. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Is Coca Cola Company A Multinational Enterprise" essay for you Create order Rees, B., 2010), defines a multinational as a firm that engages in foreign direct investment (FDI) and owns or controls value-adding activities in more than one country. Table 1 below shows the top ten multinationals according to the value of foreign assets they control. Table 1: Worlds top ten multinationals ranked by foreign assets Foreign assets Company Country Industry 1 General Electric USA Electrical and Electrical Equipment 2 British Petroleum UK Petroleum 3 Toyota Motor Japan Motor Vehicle 4 Royal Dutch/Shell UK Petroleum 5 Exxon/Mobil Corporation USA Petroleum 6 Ford Motor Company USA Motor Vehicle 7 Vodafone Group plc UK Telecommunications 8 Total France Petroleum 9 Electricite de France France Electricity, Gas and Water 10 Wal-Mart Stores USA Retail Source: Wall, S. Minocha, S. Rees, B., 2010, p29 1.2 Is Coca-Cola Company A Multinational Enterprise? The Coca-Cola Company indeed is an MNE because it operates a headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia with other local operations in nearly 200 countries around the world. Coke succeeded as a multinational because of its understanding and appeal to global commonalities (Rugman, A. M. Collinson, S., 2006). The firm has implements three principles that are assigned to make it more locally responsive, the three principles are: Table 2: Coca-Colas three principles Principles Description Operates on a local scale The company modifies its operations to meet local need and institutes a strategy of think local, act local. Country-by-country basis It focuses itself as a pure marketing company and pushing its brands on a regional basis and local basis rather than a worldwide basis. Integrates with local environment Coke is now working to become a model citizen by reaching out to local communities and getting involved in local activities Source: Rugman, A. M. Collinson , S., 2006 1.3 Background of The Coca-Cola Company A carbonated beverage called Coca-cola or often referred as Coke is the worlds largest beverage company and the best-known brand in the world. Coca-Cola Company has operated for 124 years since 1886. Coca-Cola was invented by a pharmacist in Atlanta, John Pemberton and he has become one of the global market leaders in the beverage industry ( The Coca-Cola Company offers over 400 different brands in more than 200 countries worldwide (Reference for Business-Company History Index, 2010). Coca-Cola serve a wide range of beverages, including diets and light soft drinks, water, juice drinks, teas, coffees, sports drinks and energy drinks (The Coca-Cola Company-2004 environmental report). The operating global business was organized into five geographic Strategic Business Units: Africa; Asia; Europe, Eurasia and Middle East; Latin America; and North America (The Coca-Cola Company-2004 environmental report). Coca-Cola has set a standard mission and vision as a roadmap to guides every aspect of the business in order to continue achieving sustainable and quality growth (The Coca-Cola Company, 2006-2010). Table 3: Coca-Colas mission and vision Mission To refresh the world To inspire moments of optimism and happiness To create value and make a difference Vision People: be a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best they can be. Portfolio: bring to the world a portfolio of quality beverage brands that anticipate and satisfy peoples desires and needs. Partners: nurture a winning network of customers and suppliers to create mutual and enduring value. Planet: be a responsible citizen that makes a difference by helping build and support sustainable communities. Profit: maximize long-term return to shareowners while being mindful of the company overall responsibilities. Productivity: be a highly effective, lean and fast-moving organization. Source: The Coca-Cola Company, 2006-2010. The company us es logistics and value chain strategy to accomplish its mission and vision. 2.0 Logistics strategies According to the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals a professional organization for logistics and supply chain management (SCM) professionals, logistics is defined as: the process of planning, implementing and controlling the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services and related information from point of origin to point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements Supply Chain Asia, 2006 Logistics plays a crucial role in getting the right amount of the right products to the right place at the right time and at the lowest possible cost to the customer (Rosenbloom, B., 2004). The activities include transportation, materials handling, inventory management and warehousing. 2.0.1 Transportation Transportation is the main component in logistics. Each mode of transportation is different in terms of its speed, reliability, cost, route flexibility and the products it can carry efficiently and effectively (Reference for Business-Encyclopedia of Business, 2010). Coca-Cola uses trucks as their primary delivery mode for their finished products in every country they operate because it has the greatest route flexibility, could deliver faster at a lower cost and can carry a wide range of products. The company has their own trucks which provide unique distribution that cannot meet by the common carries. The type of distribution mode employed depends on the complexity of the market. For instance, the India market is complex. As such the distribution fleet include different distribution mode is required, from 10-tonne trucks to open-bay three wheelers that can navigate through narrow alleyways of Indian cities, such as tricycles and pushcarts (Hindustan Coca-Cola beverage private li mited, 2007). In Uruguay, a small, efficient ZAP trucks for delivery in urban areas because large vehicles are challenging with parking shortage and traffic congestion (Marketwire, 2010). 2.0.2 Warehousing and material handling Coca-Cola warehouses were built close to the retailers as a strategy to reduce transportation costs. Customers also can be served quickly from stock located in a nearby warehouse. In the past, China warehouses usually designed were big but waste of space and low efficient (Logistics in China: Theory and Practice, n.d.). Large handling equipment such as forklifts are not popular in China because most managers think manpower as handling and it is cheaper. China lack of labour supply hence it will take a long way for the automation of material handling. (Logistics in China: Theory and Practice, n.d.) Nowadays, modern logistics center began to build in China. Warehouses were built with high racks, pallet and forklift system; distribution become much higher in efficiency (Logistics in China: Theory and Practice, n.d.). Due to high pallet storage requirement and limited on-site space in Australia, a 32m tall high bay was designed and a crane fed automated storage and retrieval syst em was installed (Case Study-Coca-Cola Amatil, Australia, n.d.). The automate docks with an automated conveyor-driven delivery system used to perform all the loading and unloading, thereby eliminating safety issues associated with manual handling and enhanced material handling efficiency (ICA, n.d.). 2.0.3 Inventory control Ideally, firms want to keep inventory at the lowest possible level and place orders for goods in large quantities. Placing the fewest possible orders enables the firm to minimize ordering costs. (Rosenbloom, B., 2004.) Companies make sure it has the right amount of inventory to meet customer requirements and avoid problems such as out-of-stock. In China, lack of concept about inventory cost causes companies to keep inventory as much as possible to avoid short of supply. Coca-Cola in China try to avoid this situation by practicing just-in-time (JIT) inventory system as practiced by Great Plains Coca-Cola Bottling Company in North America; it successfully reduced the inventory costs and improved the efficiency of product distribution process. (Logistics in China: Theory and Practice, n.d.) 3.0 Value Chain Strategies Value Chain is a series of activities whereby a company converts inputs to finished products by adding value at each stage. Coca-Cola used the concept of value chain analysis introduced by Michael Porter as a tool to analyze the sources of competitive advantage and to identify ways to create more customer value (Outsourcing direct, 2006). Diagram 1: The Value Chain Framework Source: Outsourcing direct, 2006 Diagram 2 shows the manufacturing process in the Coca-Cola Company which consists of suppliers, the coca-cola system and distribution. Diagram 2: Coca-Colas manufacturing process Source: 2008/2009 sustainability review. 3.1 Primary Activities 3.1.0 Inbound logistics Inbound logistics are the beginning of Coca-Colas value adding inputs. All beverages are made of high-quality ingredient and it adds value to the products through enhanced taste and nutritional value. The majority of inputs for Coca-Cola products are from local suppliers because there are certain food ingredients are not allow in the country. For example, with implementation of the Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement, ingredient such as caffeine and saccharine is not allowed to ship across the Canada-United States border because of differences in ingredient regulations. (Strategic Analysis Of The Coca-Cola Company, 2007). 3.1.1 Operation Operations are activities that transform inputs into finished products. An appropriate level of automation is on of the strategy taken to minimize costs in the operations. Coca-Cola in home country sent their expertise to other countries so that it meets the minimum standards. For instant, in the early 1980s, Coca-Cola was unable to locate any plant in China that produced glass bottles to the standards required by the company. So Coca-Colas headquarters in Atlanta sent a small team of glass technologists to China to improve the quality of the bottles with high technical levels. (Economic Impact of the Coca-Cola system on China, 2000) All production plants frequently meet local regulatory requirements and undergo regular audits in the areas of quality control, environmental, health and safety practices (Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia, 2004). To align with Food and Drug Administration (FDA) safety and quality requirement, quality control technicians checked and tested the water freq uently to make sure the beverages are safe to drink. All bottles are washed, rinsed electronically, filled automatically and seal automatically to keep hygiene in every processes (Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia, 2004). Considering the environmental protection regulations, China restricts the volume of packaging material to save resources and decrease pollutions. Therefore, most of the packaging is returnable and is made from recycled materials. At the same time reduce the costs of packaging. 3.1.2 Outbound Logistics Outbound logistics focus on managing the flow and distribution of finished products to consumer. The outbound logistic department performs an exceptional duty in Coca-Cola which includes effective shipping process to provide quick delivery and minimize damages, efficient finish goods warehousing processes, shipping of goods in large pallet to minimize transportation costs and quality material handling equipment to increase order picking (Strategic Analysis of The Coca-Cola Company, 2007). In China, Coca-Cola handles distribution primarily through direct store delivery (DSD) as a strategy to increase inventory turns and to reduce operating expenses as products are delivery directly to retail store. Besides that, it often reaches consumers through local Chinese distributors, who have greater knowledge of wholesaling in China and deep familiarity with the localities (Economic Impact of the Coca-Cola system on China, 2000). Furthermore, Coca-Cola tends to increase the fuel effici ency of the systems fleet by using electric-powered trucks in Uruguay, powering delivery truck in Mexico and diesel-electric hybrid truck fleet in North America (The Coca-Cola Company, 2006-2010). 3.1.3 Marketing and sales Marketing is vital in helping Coca-Cola to determine the competitive scope of its value adding activities (Strategic Analysis of The Coca-Cola Company, 2007). In the long term, cultivating local sales and marketing knowledge is a key success for any international business in foreign country where they operate (Economic Impact of the Coca-Cola system on China, 2000). Think local, act local, is the mantra that coca-cola follows. Consumer demand and characteristics is changing, thereby constantly re-evaluate is a strategy used to analyse how the distribution system will bring the brands to where consumers are able to make their purchases. In China, Coca-Cola has given the local mangers to control over the marketing and service operation who knows the company bottling system and the regional market so that products could be better tailored to the local tastes. For instant, the greatest opportunities for distribution of consumer goods may be in supermarket. However supermarkets in China are often far from consumers and not nearly important as they are in developed economies. Nevertheless, consumption in bars or restaurants are much faster than other channels. (Economic Impact of the Coca-Cola system on China, 2000) Coca-Cola attempted to support local activities as strategy to succeed and increase sales. For example, Coca-Cola Japans new product I LOHAS was launch with an innovative campaign called CRUSH ECO that demonstrates how consumer choice can affect carbon footprint and increasing desire to help solve environmental issues (The Coca-Cola Company, 2006-2010). 3.1.4 Services Customer service is part of the value adding activities and Coca-Cola strive to improve their customer service. The integration between the local bottlers and delivery to customers is crucial to the companys overall efficiency and keeping the customers satisfied (Coca-Cola Case Study, 2010). Therefore, an e-commerce system is taken into account of all the local bottlers in the world. Direct Store Delivery (DSD), full-service vending and equipment services are key components of bottlers operations in North America (Coca-Cola Case Study, 2010). DSD allows specific sites to transmit customer information to distributors and with the specific data it helps to improve delivery productivity and reduce cost. With the integration, stores can more easily respond to their comprehensive range of customer requests (Coca-Cola Case Study, 2010). 3.2 Support activities 3.2.0 Firm infrastructure The legal system in each country brings a major impact to company when preparing the financial statements. Different accounting standard is used in different country. However, Coca-Cola has a single environment for making financial data readily accessible to executive management worldwide (Strategic Analysis of The Coca-Cola Company, 2007). Coca-Cola has implemented mySAP financials and mySAP Business Intelligence into their business in order to handle the financial processes of the corporation (Strategic Analysis of The Coca-Cola Company, 2007). These IT is fully implemented in the companys headquarters, and every field location is equipped with internet capabilities so that information can be given to and looked up from the centralized site (Coca-Cola Case Study, 2010). 3.2.1 Human Resource Management People are the important asset to the company. To prevent the host government from interfering, Coca-Cola fully integrated with the local economy by developing good relations with the government, carrying out extensive local research and development, and hiring local people (Wall, S. Minocha, S. Rees, B., 2010). For example, the company has partnerships with the Chinese government and domestic companies to generate a strong market presence. There are also a number of local training initiatives catering to particular regional needs. In China, cultivating human resources means supporting the education system and therefore Coca-Cola has established a Soft Drink Training Center which cultivated both technical and business skills throughout the Chinese industry (Economic Impact of the Coca-Cola system on China, 2000). In India, preparing for future leaders would be the key challenges within the organization. Graduate Trainee Program is developed for young professional in order to pr epare competent, dynamic and dedicated future leaders (Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia, 2004). 3.2.2 Technology Development Technology development is important as it supports the entire value chain. The rapidly changing technology such as automation, supply chain management and packaging technology has a tremendous impact on the way Coca-Cola does their business worldwide (Strategic Analysis of The Coca-Cola Company, 2007). Research and development (RD) is the core commitment and strategies are being modified in efforts to allow more freedom to local operating divisions (Thinking Made Easy, 2010). Coca-Cola is investing in technology product and process as new sources of competitive strength (Strategic Analysis of The Coca-Cola Company, 2007). Coca-Cola developed more new products to suit the customer needs and adapted new techniques to improve the existing methods of conducting value added activities (Strategic Analysis of The Coca-Cola Company, 2007).. 4.0 Future changes in logistical and value chain strategies Future is always unpredictable however there are some key developments that can be identified for the next few years. Changes in the macro-environment such as new government policies, economic development, new technology and demographic changes will affect the organization process system. Hence, Coca-Cola needs to constantly analyze the business environmental and respond to the changes. Companies have to adapt the new laws or policies create by the government. For food and beverage industry, governments might pressurize firms to follow the law on food safety. In China, new law stipulates that all food has to reach the safety standards and start adopt new food license. There have been cases reported in India that Coca-Cola beverage was contaminated with lead, pesticides and benzene. To address these food safety and regulatory issues, Coca-Cola has to continue check and test the content of the drink and implement The Coca-Cola Quality system throughout the system to increase the a wareness of the importance of food safety, not only in manufacturing but also throughout the entire supply chain. (Strategic Analysis of The Coca-Cola Company, 2007) Besides that, on-going inflation has affected the costs of operation as well as the spending power of consumers. Consumers may buy less or switch to cheaper substitutes. In order to maintain sales and to keep the customers, the company has to allot a bigger budget for innovative advertising, promotion and marketing activities. High percentage of revenues came from outside of the United States. Hence, foreign-currency changes may impact on the reported earnings. Translation exposures arise as many of the operations have functional currencies. To overcome this problem, Coca-Cola may adopt operational or financial hedging strategies which involve forward-exchange contracts and currency options in several countries. Trends in beverage consumption might change as more and more consumers are adopting a healthy lifest yle. Sweetener drinks are the main source of calories and it will be harmful if consumed excessively. Nutritionist advice consumer not to consume too much soft drink such as Coca-Cola because sugar contained is high. The coca-cola company has to respond to this trend by reformulating their products. For instance, it has to reduce the sugar content in its products or integrate it with fruit juice. There are some complains claims that the bottles operation cause local water polluted and serious water shortage in India. Therefore government will restrict the amount of water used in the bottling company. The company used approximately 300 billion liters of water in their plants to produce beverages. To meet their water needs while helping to conserve water shed and improves community water access; planning use of water efficiency is needed to manage the water resources wisely. Technology is getting advanced hence make great changes to logistics and value chain. It is an importance source of competitive advantage. The company has to keep update with new technologies and seek to initiate technical changes. Changes in technology will bring major improvement in the logistics and manufacturing operations. For example, MileMaker, a trucks routing system that generate accurate point to point routes, mileages and maps across the world. With this MileMaker, Coca-Cola can minimize operating costs while maximizing on-time delivery. (Rand McNally, n.d.) 5.0 Conclusion The Coca-Cola Company has applied a multinational strategy and has shows a great success. Think local, act local is the mantra that Coca-Cola follows and has designed a value chain that gives each countrys operations the discretion to respond to its local cultural, legal, political and economic environments. Coca-Cola creates value through proactively engaging its retailers at technically every level of the value chain from raw materials down to end-products (Thinking Made Easy, 2010). There will be more challenges in todays marketplace due to internal and external environment changes. The world is changing and Coca-Cola must look ahead, continuously look for new ways of doing business in the coming years; understand the trends and analyze areas to be concern hence add value beyond the products in order to survive over the next ten years and beyond (The Coca-Cola Company, 2006-2010). (Word count: 2601)

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Why Is Cloud Computing - 1531 Words

Moving from physical machines to Virtual machines can be a daunting task and many companies will take into account unforeseen issues that can be mitigated but there are instances that issues will arise and there are tested and tried methods available to move from physical to Virtual machines as well as hosting your own virtualized cloud. We are going to talk about some of the deployment methods as well as how cloud computing is going to be beneficial for the organization to include traditional Computing and our own computing. Will also contrast how major companies such as Amazon and IBM perform their migration and how companies will perform the migration on their own without their help. Next we will examine a few challenges as well as security concerns that might arise due to hosting your own cloud and migrating from Legacy servers and physical servers into newer virtualize machines. The organization could utilize several features available to migrate and deploy to cloud services. There are many options available depending on what cloud provider is available as well as implementing software available in VMware or Horizon View as well. when it comes to migrating physical servers to Virtual servers I feel as though it is best to implement a feature of replication from physical devices into the virtual devices so that Information is being relayed in real time. This also allows for consistency of information to be relieved from the primary site to a disaster site in the eventShow MoreRelatedCgs 2060 Assignment Example1293 Words   |  6 PagesCons of Cloud Computing Alexandra Hidalgo 2/15/13 Table of Contents Introduction: 3 Discussion: 3 Conclusion: 6 Bibliography 8 Introduction: With the unprecedented growth and spread of information, there is no wonder why large Information Technology companies have been investing in the â€Å"cloud†. 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This article gives a perception of how using cloud computing can be beneficial and yet create obstaclesRead MoreThe Cloud Of Cloud Computing1593 Words   |  7 PagesThe Future is in the â€Å"Clouds† The world has recently adopted a new approach to computing – cloud computing. It is a particularly new model of computing, where databases are stored and operated somewhere in a cloud. Mell and Grance (2011) define cloud computing as â€Å"a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction† (p.Read MoreThe Banking Industry And Cloud Computing Essay1701 Words   |  7 PagesBanking Industry and Cloud Computing Banks are facing increased pressure to streamline their current processes and trim operating costs, while also responding to more demanding, digitally connected customers (Adams, 2012). 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Self-Esteem and Child Development free essay sample

Do you agree with Gever Tulley that the increasing safety regulations for children are limiting children’s opportunities to interact with the world around them? Why or why not? The increasing safety regulations for children are limiting children’s opportunities to interact with the world around them, because we’re moving away the child from real world. Anyway, the children are always going to figure out how to do the most dangerous thing they can. Moreover, we prevent our kids relate to reality and interact with the outside world. 2. What can children learn from playing with fire? Children can learn playing with fire many things, like; the child will learn to control this natural element. The child can learn how take control of fire, he can learn about intake, about combustion, about exhaust. Addition, the child will not feel the attraction of playing with fire. 3. Which of the â€Å"dangerous things† do you think would most beneficial for children? Why? The most dangerous things beneficial for children is the number three: throw a spear; because this is an important exercise in child health, as any given muscle adds strength to the whole system and that applies to your brain. We will write a custom essay sample on Self-Esteem and Child Development or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page On the other hand these practice stimulate the frontal and parietal lobes, which have to do with visual acuity, 3D understanding, and structural problem solving, so it gives a sense, it helps develop their visualization skills and their predictive ability. These kinds of target-based practice also help kids develop attention and concentration. 4. What role do you think parents should play in helping their children explore the world? How can parents protect their children and let them explore? The role that parents should play in helping their children explore the world is, parents should accept their children experiment with dangerous things, but under the care of parents, so parents are helping their children to explore the world. Parents can protects their children and let them explore, like when their children are exploring the outside world, experimenting with dangerous stuff to better understand the world, parents must be beside their children, supporting them, guiding them, and protecting them too. When children are exploring parents must indicate their children to the point that they can explore, of this way they do not suffer any accident.