Sunday, February 23, 2020

All art is a lie that helps us see the truth more clearly- Pablo Essay

All art is a lie that helps us see the truth more clearly- Pablo Picasso - Essay Example When we say art, we mean something that a person can look at and interpret. Art is a visual perception of its author; it highlights the main subject to depict its reality. The exaggeration of the illusion can be considered as a lie that reveals the truth behind the scenes much more clearly through the art performed, painted or sung. (Simon, 2007) In his own quote, Picasso illustrates an artistic touch to call art, a lie. By that he meant the illusion, the self created image of any topic and the observed scenario which an artist creates to send the message through. Hence, using all the human senses, the artist uses self expression to make analysis about the truth that lies behind the mirror. It is on one part the mirror image but much more of a deep scan that illustrated all the parts. Many artist find that in variety of subjects, much like Yehudi Menuhin, the famous American violinist on NY Times explained: â€Å"I look upon music as the most complete exposition of the body and spir it of man – and of our universe† (NY Times, June 1986)... , The Romantic Manifesto, 47) The excerpt explains it very deeply of how no real apple can actually look like the painted apple but yet gives the direct image of how delicious and ripe the apple is. Art hence covers dimensions of a human brain for it to pursue its desires. Arts that include poetry and theatre performance play a major role in defining how a simple lie, much like Ayn Rands’ Visual Abstractions can sum up major historical events and move people to find the truth amongst the words. In stage direction, now a day, art is being judged on the amount of hits it can get rather the quality of work and the meaning behind the scenes. It is taken as a time past rather, as Harold Clurman says â€Å"as a real communication through the mask of a fable†. (Lies like Truth, 1958) Poetic illusions As Art discovers many dimensions, it plays with words and thoughts, creating images and lies that a person is inclined to look into, to make it a reality. Shel Silverstein through is versatile poetic sense creates an illusion of a tree that can speak, â€Å"Once there was a tree... and she loved a little boy. And every day the boy would come and he would gather her leaves and make them into crowns and play king of the forest. ....... and the tree was happy But the time went by And the boy grew older. And the tree was often alone† (The Giving Tree) In this exemplary piece of art, the poet looks into a lie that is a tree that can speak, but infact is much more than that, for many the tree can be our family on which we stand by every day and they are there to help. Through art, Silverstein emphases that how reality revolves around how human wants are never ending but by the end of everything we go back to nature, where it all start. Too look behind the lie is the art of the reader,

Friday, February 7, 2020

Conservation of Fresco Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Conservation of Fresco - Essay Example Innumerable artists practiced fresco painting during the years to come, and this art became popular through the Greek, Roman and Byzantine Empires. Unfortunately, not many frescos have survived. Some rare Roman frescos are found in Herculaneum and Pompeii. Christians wo lived during the early period from 250 to 400 AD, painted some small frescos as a form of decoration of Roman catacombs, the burial place. The popularity of fresco painting declined after the Renaissance. But Mexican painters Diego Rivera, Jose Orozco, and David Siqueiros were using the techniques of fresco painting in their murals and through this once again the revitalization of fresco art took place. Again during the American Depression, painters like Thomas Hart Benton were engaged in fresco production. Now, fresco art is no longer used as it was used before, the main reason is because of its susceptibility to humidity and weathering. Regard to this reason, many artists have abandoned the fresco painting in the production of serious art. This paper will try to explain a little about fresco painting in general and then move on to the process and technique used in the production of fresco art. Then the paper would deal about the conservation of fresco paintings and finally explain its importance. Calcium carbonate is the binding material that is used in the production of fresco art. ... This results in the formation of calcium carbonate upon the surface of the material thus forming the plaster. The colour is applied before this change occurs so that it gets settled underneath the plaster formation which then looks similar to a glass. When viewed through a microscope, a particle or piece of fresco looks like thousands of minute mosaic put together and creates an astounding appearance. The art produced in such a way is called as fresco art or painting. It is not very difficult to paint a simple fresco if we are well aware of the process and technique. Many people throughout the world are engaged in fresco painting as entertainment or part of their hobby. Finally, to make this process very easy here is a short cut. Fresco painting is nothing but applying pure colour onto wet lime and the next thing that happens is the formation of crystalline substance over the wet surface. Now, the whole thing dries up producing fresco. One of the great things to have in mind is that all over the world ancient people followed this process in the creation of fresco art. Though the people of the ancient civilization had no means of communication, yet they all followed the same process in the making of painting and this is so surprising to us. It has led modern chemists to analyse the process through the study of ancient artists of different places. ELEMENTS OF FRESCO There are five elements that are used for creating a fresco. I have listed out one by one below so that there may not be any confusion. 1. The Structural Wall - This wall is the physical body in which the artist creates the fresco art. 2. The Design - Refers to the fresco's environment or architectural setting. 3. Lime